
Core Services

Payment Processing

Whether you run a traditional shop or sell online, our strategically offered partnered processors help make running your company easier. Our portfolio of solutions is designed to meet the unique needs of companys and be flexible enough for your specific needs.

ACH Processing

We provide ACH solutions that help grow revenue, reduce costs and increase operational efficiencies. Using leading risk assessment technology and the nation’s most complete database of check-writer history, Our software evaluates and advises whether to accept or decline…

Lower Risk Profile

Prevent fraud and chargebacks because its software is integrated with Visa and MasterCard’s 3D Secure program. The software sits between the shopping cart and the gateway, and every transaction that runs through PAAY, is authenticated with a “digital signature”..

Save on Interchange

We have multiple automatic-savings options on interchange costs. These programs do not change the customer experience. You dont need to pull in or add extra data to get this savings! Mostly everyone in the business will tell you that saving you on interchange is …

Web Design

The difference between the success of traditional stores and the modern upstarts of today has to do with technology; those business owners who don’t embrace it are in a definite disadvantage. And no aspect of a business – small or large – is as vital than a website. Smart phone usage and the rise of social networking have redefined how people do business and communicate. 

A small business website is invaluable to a startup and small company. At Menio Global, not only do we provide the best technology for payment processing, we can also develop a secure website and payment portal for your business with our vendor partner.

AI Marketing

Industry experts and statistics make it clear, it’s very important for a business to have a strong presence in search. It is the reason why search engine optimization SEO services have been very popular.For most organizations, being visible in top search results is critical to success and invaluable to the company. Having a great website is not enough if nobody can find you. Ask today how Menio Global can increase your web presence and you can take more payments.

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